Message from the Trustees

Dear SLA Homeowners:

Sadly, we just had an incident of a child from another neighborhood being brought to swim at Chatham Beach when the beach was closed, and reportedly then being bit by a dog someone else brought to the beach.

If we aren’t all mindful of the safety rules, the day may come when Sturbridge Lakes loses the use of its swimming beaches.

Maybe some residents don’t know we have had two tragic drownings at our beaches.

That’s why the safety rules exist and why it’s troubling when they are violated.

No one is allowed in the water except when the beach is open and guarded by lifeguards. Period.

And dogs are not allowed at the beaches for hygienic and safety reasons.

In addition, it’s illegal in Voorhees to let dogs off their leashes.

Please observe all of these rules which exist for your safety.

Violations of the common ground rules can lead to loss of privileges, fines and in some cases (vandalism, trespassing) criminal prosecution.

Please respect the rules, and if you see anyone trespassing (on the common grounds after dusk, or without a guest pass) do not hesitate to alert the lifeguards when possible, or call the police.

Sorry to need to send this but it is for everyone’s safety.


Edward Ferruggia SLA Board of Trustees

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