Sturbridge Lakes: Serious Litter Problem At Battery Hill Park

Dear Sturbridge Lakes Homeowners:

On a visit this weekend to the basketball courts at Antietam/ Battery Hill Park, I was shocked to see approximately one hundred water bottles littering the area. It appears this occurred in just the last week when the snow thawed.

The SLA can have our porter clean these up, but obviously this is a deeper problem. In a neighborhood which prides itself on natural beauty, it is unacceptable to have young people littering to such a degree.

Please speak to your kids who may use the parks (this happens at Foxview Beach as well) and tell them to clean up after themselves when they use the courts. We are taking steps to better monitor the parks. Those responsible can be subject to fines, and being banned from the common grounds.

We are also aware this can involve kids coming onto the property from outside our neighborhood. I am interested in hearing from our residents on this. If the parks are going to be abused in this way, we may want to rethink having a basketball court there.

Your suggestions and assistance are appreciated. Thank you.

Ed Ferruggia
Sturbridge Lakes Board of Trustees

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