Be there for the food and fun!
Cook up your favorite chili and salsa recipe and bring it for all your Sturbridge Lakes neighbors to taste and judge. Please fill out form below to register!

Prizes Awarded in all Categories!

Enter on-line below:

Entry Deadline: Friday, October 18 .

Chili Cook-off Entry
Salsa Entry
Kids Cookie Entry

Chili Entree (please check one, only applies to Chili entry)
Traditional (all meats)
Hot & Spicy
Other (Vegetarian, White, Fruitbase)

Name of your Chili/Salsa:

Rule: Chefs must be a Sturbridge Lakes Resident

Home Phone:

If you can't enter on-line, print out this form and mail/drop off to the following address:
Sturbridge Lakes Fall Festival
17 Redstone Ridge, Voorhees, NJ 08043

Email questions:
email Christine Vincenzes: